**Jason’s new address is on the right** – Ashley
This week was pretty crazy!
Monday to Wednesday we just met with my converts in Elche because on Thursday, we moved up here to Alicante! We are white washing (neither my companion nor I have ever served in this area) and we are starting with absolutely nothing! It has been quite the experience!
We have been in the streets everyday contacting people walking by, or knocking on doors. From Thursday to Sunday night, we had filled up a page and a half of the missionary planner section for "potential investigators" (People that give us their name, address and number)
So all this time in the street has earned us a few miracles, so I will share one.
We got the information for a guy named Jose on Thursday and on Saturday he said we could stop by. We went on Saturday and he wasn't´t home, so we were pretty bummed. Sunday night comes around and we really wanted to have a lesson because we had only had one since getting to Alicante. I look at our list of futures and see Jose and think it would be best to visit him. well really, I didn't´t think of it, the spirit for sure told me! So we go to his building and ring the bell for where he told us he lived. Nothing. Since we had been knocking doors all day, I rang the top bell (it is an intercom system here) with the plan to ring and talk to all the people in the building. The top bell answers, and it was Jose! he ended up giving us the wrong number to his building (he has only lived there for a little while) and he let us in!
We talked with him and his wife and they are just awesome! The wife has been church hopping, going from one church to another looking for the truth. And he is Colombian and just ready as ever to get baptized! We had a nice lesson with them and we have another appointment with them tonight. We are so excited!
The week was quick and I am excited to start up another one!
I hope you can all write me letters soon to my new address! =]
Os quiero muxo
Mityu´s baptism, it was excellent! His dad, another one of my converts, baptized him. It was really special! me and my waffle creation. It was delicious. Strawberries and cream!
That´s me looking over the huge city of Alicante!