As we drove from the train station to the mission home, I had this feeling that my first area would be here in Malaga. The way they tell you where you are going, is they put you in front of the big map and they make you guess. When it was my turn, They asked where I wanted to go. I said Huelva because the Navy base is there but they said no, and that my first area is.... here in Malaga! Called it! Well, there is a downside to it. They re-opened an area and that is my area. So ALL week all we have done is contacting. We´re supposed to teach 20 lessons a week, this past week we taught 7. Because no one in this part of the town knows who we are! Its been hard. Its been hot.
My trainer is Elder Redd from Nampa Idaho. He´s been out a year this week and he´s an interesting character. He´s kinda cocky and so sometimes it is difficult. But we live in an apartment with another companionship but our little house is meant for 2 people and we´ve got 4 in there. Every P-day we are supposed to do an entire apartment clean up but they hadn´t cleaned it in weeks so it was disgusting! Pig sty! bleh! So today I made every one help me and the "house" is 10x cleaner. Whew, it was bad. And I´m pretty sure we´ve got a mold problem in the house.
On my first day, we gave an investigator a blessing because she has been sick. She called us the next day and said she felt much better. I found out that we are the 12th set of missionaries that have taught her and she has been a "dry" member, she´s been going to church for the past 2 years but just doesn´t want to be baptized for some reason.
But the weather is getting hotter everyday and more humid as well! I drink about 2 Liters of water everyday and It still doesn´t seem to be enough!
The food here is different. In Spain, they eat one BIG meal and then munch at breakfast and dinner. But a typical meal is soup, why I don´t know because its so stinking hot outside!, salad, appetizer, main course, fruit/yogurt. And each course is a FULL plate! And Spain is one of those places where if you don´t eat it all they think you don´t like it! ugh. We had some eggplant and cabbage soup the other day. It was the worst. Another meal we had some kind of potato salad but there were fish things in it. I didn´t see the fish things and took a big bite and my gag reflex decided to kick in and it was all I could do to hold it in. I think my gag reflex goes off every day we have lunch with a member.
I would much rather just go home for lunch then have to try to suffer down some fish soup. Ugh, I thought fish was bad, fish soup is the nectar of Satan! I´d take the raw fish before I eat it in a soup! But I´m still eating and I drink a ton of water. So don´t worry about me!
I feel like my Spanish has gotten worse now because in the MTC they teach you proper Spanish but nobody speaks with "proper" Spanish, its all slang and they drop their ´s down here.
Oh fun story!
So we were walking to an area and a guy in a little car pulls up and starts singing a flamenco song to us, but he was saying how Mormónes weren´t welcome in Spain and that we´ll never understand "Andaluce" (the accent here in Andalucia). he said some other mean and nasty things but we weren´t even close to being mad or upset. The guy just sang a flamenco song to us! It was awesome! haha! There are some weird people here.
On Saturday, was the ward talent show, and they get really into it here! It went for about an hour and a half! and almost everyone in the ward performed! They wanted the missionaries to do something and the other 3 looked at me and I thought up all these great and funny ideas that were really on the spot, but the other three were lame and didn´t want to do it, so we let the ward down and didn´t do anything! Lame!
Well I love you so much and I look forward to reading your weekly letter every day! It´s what gets me through the week! I love you so much and I can´t wait to hear your voices next sunday!
Lots of love,
Elder Hunt with his trainer, Elder Redd Elder Hunt with his mission president and wife, President and Sister Clegg
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