Elder Hunt is out of the Mission Office!! New address is on the right! :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Angel Wings

So this will have to be a little quick but I wrote down some points from the past week that I would like to share
My companion got written off this past Tuesday (Valentines day) by his girlfriend and I was sensitive at the start of the week, but I´m really sick of hearing about Camilla at this point. It was funny though, since I´ve been with him, he points out every red mini cooper that drives by. Camilla drives a red mini. And this past Saturday, a red mini cooper drove by and I said "Elder! look! a red mini cooper!" then I started busting up laughing. Writing it down it seems pretty heartless, but he´s been talking about it all week. Finally his talk about Camilla has slowed down.

This past week (was super long...ugh) we went to seminary in attempts to reactivate a less active girl in our ward. I do not miss early morning seminary at all. We had to get up at 5:30, when we got back, we both just died on our beds. again, I do not miss early morning seminary at all.
We have been teaching Roberto and he will get baptized this Friday! I´m stoked.
(Elder Triana y Yo)

But speaking on baptisms, this Sunday, my heart just about broke. I have had 7 baptisms here in Elche and this past Sunday, not a single one of those 7 was there at church. There really isn´t anything harder to experience then to work so hard with someone, then see them lose activity. I also found out on Sunday that the family we baptized in Malaga is in active now. I really can´t find other words that heart breaking to experience it.

But lets get back to a happy note,
so the, English class is still REALLY slow. We passed out 2000 more cards this past weekend and tomorrow we´ll see if there will be any fruits!

I´ve got some pictures to send!
We went up to Alicante today for Pday and visited the giant castle. It was a lot of fun. An African was selling 1 euro fake ray-bands. I couldn't´t say no, it was really bright.

Carnival is this week so we see lots of people dressed up.
I saw this guy and couldn't miss the chance.


So the angel wings.
The other elders in Elche have another investigator. He is a super great guy, really intelligent, however, work here is so bad that he has resorted to lesser means of obtaining money. Because of his profession (ahem), he has lots of fun costume stuff, like angel wings. Haha. So we all took pictures a couple weeks ago with the angel wings on. It was a lot of fun!

Well I hope you all have a great week!

Os quiero mucho!

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